
Cookbook author Shannon Sarna on how to make the perfect hamantaschen

Tomorrow night at 7:30pm, cookbook author and The Nosher editor at large Shannon Sarna will be delving into the art of hamantaschen-making during a unique online class that comes just in time for Purim.

“Hamantaschen are such happy treats and meant to be shared with friends, loved ones and your community,” the culinary guru says when asked about what she loves most about the sweet pastries. “My kids love making and decorating them together, getting creative and having fun with the flavors.”

We caught up with Sarna right before the event, which you can buy tickets for right here, to pick her brain about the celebratory pastry, discussing the secrets to the craft and more.

What should we keep in mind when making hamantaschen at home?
“There are three things. [Firstly], don’t overfill your hamantaschen: half a teaspoon to one teaspoon is plenty, especially if you find that your hamantaschen have a tendency to explode in the oven.

Two: use a filling with a high sugar content. The firmer, the better: Israeli chocolate spread, cookie butter, sweetened cream cheese, peanut butter, or a jam made with high fructose corn syrup.

Number three: chill your hamantaschen after they are shaped, before baking. [Leave them in the freezer] for five minutes or in the fridge fro ten minutes before baking to help keep their shape. And remember: even if they aren’t perfect, that are still delicious.”

Speaking of fillings, any fun ones you like to prepare?

“You can never go wrong with classic poppy seed filling or something sweet and firm like Nutella or chocolate spread.

“My kids love my s’mores hamantaschen, which combine Nutella and marshmallow fluff (or mini marshmallows) as the filling. Once they are baked, we dip them in melted chocolate, add a sprinkling of graham cracker crumbs and mini Hershey’s chocolate bar on top.”

What’s the best way to eat hamantaschen?

“Standing at the counter, hot out of the oven. If you don’t have chocolate or jam on your face, you’re doing it wrong! They are perfect with coffee too.”

Crunchy or soft: should the proper hamantaschen crumble in your mouth or melt in it?

“If your hamantaschen are crunchy, start over. They should be sweet and tender.”